Energy Box & Advisory

La piattaforma Energy Box
Energy Box è un prodotto digitale con accesso web-based che consente l'analisi, la gestione e il monitoraggio dei costi energetici (energia elettrica e gas naturale) di qualsiasi realtà aziendale.
In un solo strumento è integrato l'intero ciclo di controllo di gestione della spesa energetica:
- verifica automatica della fatturazione di energia elettrica/gas naturale
- reportistica per il management
- budgeting e scenaristica di forecast
Find out more about the Energy Box, go to the questions & answers section!
Access to energy box
Are you an Energy Box customer?
Energy Portfolio Management
EPQ supports its clients in strategic activities aimed at minimising the cost of energy supply.
The Advisory service includes the elaboration and updating of the energy risk strategy and the study of market opportunities or arising from incentives and facilitations introduced by legislation.
Total volumes managed on behalf of our clients:

Energy Box: questions & answers
Looking for a quick and convenient tool to analyse energy costs?
How much time do you spend analysing your energy costs?
With the Energy Box, you need very little. All the data, simulations, information and control tools you need are always at your disposal. In this way, you will have more time to devote to activities with greater added value.
Would you like to keep track of your energy expenditure, all technical and consumption information on your utilities?
Energy-box collects all your energy data for you, including consumption, independent of your energy and gas suppliers. Everything is online, always at your disposal.
Are you looking for a tool that automatically recalculates your electricity and natural gas bills for control?
Among the many functions of the Energy Box, you also have the possibility of checking your electricity or natural gas bill immediately.
Do you need a constant update of your energy costs?
In one click, Energy Box shows you a snapshot of your expenditure, always up-to-date with respect to energy market prices.
Are you looking for a tool that allows you to automatically project your expected energy expenditure and compare it with your budget?
With Energy Box your energy budget is no longer a problem. Expenditure and deviations from the budget are always up-to-date and you can check them at any time, so there are no surprises.
Are you interested in having an automatic detailed analysis of energy expenditure, even for contracts with complex pricing formulas?
Tell Energy Box your complex pricing formula: the platform will calculate it for you.