Closed distribution systems

sistemi di distribuzione chiusi

Closed distribution systems (CDS)

Internal User Networks (IUN) and Other CDS (OCDS)

In the definition of ARERA, the Regulatory Authority for Energy Networks and Environment, the Closed Distribution System (CDS) is a network that distributes electricity within a geographically limited industrial, commercial or shared services site.

CDS can be subdivided into Internal User Networks (IUN) and Other CDS (OCDS).

EPQ's services for CDS Operators 

EPQ is a leading provider of ongoing support services for CDS Operators (IUN and OCDS), through billing software in use by distributors.

The support activity for CDS Operators includes:

  • measurement management;
  • ommunication to the IIS;
  • calculation, definition and allocation according to TISDC of distribution tariffs and general system charges;
  • monthly generation of xml cycle and adjustment invoices as per regulations;
  • management of all practices related to the Transport Contracts in place with Dispatching Users;
  • execution of monthly and annual reporting activities to counterparties (GSE, Terna, CSEA, ARERA).

Our numbers

25% market share
>300 POD gestiti